Monaco Google Maps


Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for Monaco (MC). Explore satellite imagery of Monaco, the capital city of Monaco, on the Google Maps of Europe below.

Monaco (GPS: 43 44 N, 7 24 E) is located in Western Europe, bordering the Mediterranean Sea on the southern coast of France, near the border with Italy. The country’s area measurements are two sq km; land: 2 sq km, water: 0 sq km. This sovereign state is about three times the size of the National Mall in Washington, DC. The total irrigated land is 0 sq km (2012).

Monaco’s essential features are the Second-smallest independent state in the world (after the Holy See). Smallest country with a coastline. Almost entirely urban.

It’s significant, and at the same time, the principal city, Monaco’s GPS coordinates are 43 44 N 7 25 E. Monaco’s local time is 6 hours ahead of Washington DC during Standard Time. The capital’s time difference: UTC+1, note; Daylight saving time: +1hr begins last Sunday in March; ends last Sunday in October.

For more information on Monaco, please scroll down below the Google Maps.

Google Maps Monaco and Monaco, Europe

About Monaco in detail

Flag of Monaco Map of Monaco
The flag of Monaco Map of Monaco

The Genoese built a fortress on the site of present-day Monaco in 1215. The current ruling GRIMALDI family first seized control in 1297 but could not permanently secure its holding until 1419. Economic development was spurred in the late 19th century with a railroad linkup to France and a casino’s opening. Since then, the principality’s mild climate, splendid scenery, and gambling facilities have made Monaco world-famous as a tourist and recreation center.

Monaco’s names conventional long form: Principality of Monaco, conventional short form: Monaco, local long form: Principaute de Monaco, local short form: Monaco, etymology: founded as a Greek colony in the 6th century B.C., the name derives from two Greek words “monos” (single, alone) and “oikos” (house) to convey the sense of a people “living apart” or in a “single habitation.” Founded as a Greek colony in the 6th century B.C., the name derives from two Greek words, “monos” (single, alone) and “oikos” (house), to convey the sense of a people “living apart” or in a “single habitation.”

Monaco’s terrain is typically hilly, rugged, rocky. The country’s mean elevation: N/A, elevation extremes; lowest point: the Mediterranean Sea 0 m, highest point: Mont Agel 140 m.

The country’s general climate is the Mediterranean, with mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers.

The total number of border countries is 1, France 6 km are the neighboring nations with the indicated border lengths. Monaco’s coastline is 4.1 km, while its marital claims are: territorial sea: 12 nautical miles, exclusive economic zone: 12 nautical miles. Waterways: N/A. Land use: agricultural land: 1%; arable land 0%; permanent crops 1%; permanent pasture 0%; forest: 0%; other: 99% (2011 estimate).

The population in Monaco 30,727 (July 2018 estimate), urban population: 100% of total population (2015), central metropolitan area’s population: MONACO (capital) 38,000 (2014), while Monaco has the most densely populated country in the world; its entire population living on 2 square km. Their spoken languages are French (official language), English, Italian, Monegasque. The main religions in Monaco are Roman Catholic 90% (official), other 10%. The nation uses a civil law system influenced by French legal tradition. It is a(n) constitutional monarchy, National holiday(s) National Day (Saint Rainier’s Day), 19 November (1857).

Economic overview for the country: Monaco, bordering France on the Mediterranean coast, is a popular resort, attracting tourists to its casino and pleasant climate. The principality is also a banking center and has successfully diversified into services and small, high-value-added, nonpolluting industries. The state retains monopolies in many sectors, including tobacco, the telephone network, and the postal service. Living standards are high, roughly comparable to those in prosperous French metropolitan areas. The state has no income tax and low business taxes and thrives as a tax haven for individuals who have established a residence and foreign companies that have set up businesses and offices.

However, Monaco is not a tax-free shelter; It charges nearly 20% value-added tax, collects stamp duties, and companies face a 33% tax on profits unless they can show that three-quarters of profits are generated within the principality. Monaco was formally removed from the OECD’s “grey list” of uncooperative tax jurisdictions in late 2009 but continues to face international pressure to abandon its banking secrecy laws and help combat tax evasion. In October 2014, Monaco officially became the 84th jurisdiction participating in the OECD’s Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, an effort to combat offshore tax avoidance and evasion. Monaco’s reliance on tourism and banking for its economic growth has left it vulnerable to downturns in France and other European economies, which are the principality’s main trade partners.

In 2009, Monaco’s GDP fell by 11.5% as the euro-zone crisis precipitated a sharp drop in tourism and retail activity and home sales. A modest recovery ensued in 2010 and intensified in 2013, with more than 9% GDP growth, but Monaco’s economic prospects remain uncertain.

Natural resources of Monaco: none.

Main export partners for Monaco, Europe are Europe 73.2%, Africa 14.6%, America 5.2%, Asia 4.9% (2013 estimate) for N/A, while the main import partners for the country are: Europe 70.4%, Asia 20.8%, America 4.4%, Africa 4.1% (2013 estimate) for N/A.

When you visit this country in Europe, consider the natural hazards in Monaco: N/A, while infectious diseases are N/A. Also, note that Monaco faces the following environmental issues: No serious problems, Actively monitors pollution levels in air and water.

You may also be interested in the countries next to Monaco around its total: 6 km border, like France.