OpenStreetMap Driving Directions

OpenStreetMap or OSM is the world’s free and editable online map. Offering a free street-level map of the world, OpenStreetMap was created by an ever-growing map lovers community.

OpenStreetMap is a collaborative project. The geodata underlying the map is considered the primary output of the project. The creation and growth of OSM have been motivated by restrictions on the use or availability of map data across much of the world and the advent of inexpensive portable satellite navigation devices.

The data from OpenStreetMap may be used in various ways, including producing paper maps and electronic maps (similar to Google Maps, Bing Maps, or MapQuest, for example), geocoding of address, and place names, and route planning.

Many users of GPS-based devices use the OpenStreetMap data to replace the built-in map data on their devices. OSM data has been favorably compared with proprietary data sources, although back in 2009, data quality varied across the world.

Get OpenStreetMap Driving Directions

Thanks to many OSM contributors, in 2015, OpenStreetMap added a route planning (driving directions) functionality to the map on its official website. This routing service uses external services in the background like OSRM, GraphHopper, and MapQuest. Route planning may consider traffic volume, car-driving,  walking, and cycling needs.

OpenStreetMap is a great option for driving directions because it offers accurate, up-to-date maps that are easy to use. Plus, OpenStreetMap is free to use to save money on your trip planning. Whether you’re looking for the quickest route or the most scenic drive, OpenStreetMap has you covered. So next time you plan a road trip, check out OpenStreetMap for all your driving needs.