Slovakia Google Maps


Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for Slovakia (SK). Explore satellite imagery of Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia, on the Google Maps of Europe below.

Slovakia (GPS: 48 40 N, 19 30 E) is located in Central Europe, south of Poland. The country’s area measurements are total: 49,035 sq km; land: 48,105 sq km, water: 930 sq km. This sovereign state is about twice the size of New Hampshire. The total irrigated land is 869 sq km (2012).

One of the essential features of Slovakia: Landlocked – enclosed or nearly enclosed by land. Most of the country is rugged and mountainous. The Tatra Mountains in the north are interspersed with many scenic lakes and valleys.

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Slovenia Google Maps


Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for Slovenia (SI). Explore satellite imagery of Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia, on the Google Maps of Europe below.

Slovenia (GPS: 46 07 N, 14 49 E) is located in South-Central Europe, the Julian Alps between Austria and Croatia. The country’s area measurements are total: 20,273 sq km; land: 20,151 sq km, water: 122 sq km. This sovereign state is slightly smaller than New Jersey. The total irrigated land is 60 sq km (2012).

One of Slovenia’s essential features: Despite its small size, this eastern Alpine country controls some of Europe’s major transit routes.

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Spain Google Maps


Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for Spain (ES). Explore satellite imagery of Madrid, the capital city of Spain, on the Google Maps of Europe below.

Spain (GPS: 40 00 N, 4 00 W) located in Southwestern Europe, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, North Atlantic Ocean, Bay of Biscay, and Pyrenees Mountains; southwest of France. The country’s area measurements are total: 505,370 sq km; land: 498,980 sq km, water: 6,390 sq km. This sovereign state is almost five times the size of Kentucky, slightly more than twice the size of Oregon. The total irrigated land is 38,000 sq km (2012).

One of the essential features of Spain: Strategic location along with approaches to the Strait of Gibraltar. Spain controls some territories in northern Morocco, including the enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla and Penon de Velez de la Gomera, Penon de Alhucemas, and Islas Chafarinas.

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Sweden Google Maps


Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for Sweden (SE). Explore satellite imagery of Stockholm, the capital city of Sweden, on Europe’s Google Maps below.

Sweden (GPS: 62 00 N, 15 00 E) is located in Northern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea, Gulf of Bothnia, Kattegat, and Skagerrak, between Finland and Norway. The country’s area measurements are total: 450,295 sq km; land: 410,335 sq km, water: 39,960 sq km. This sovereign state is slightly larger than California. The total irrigated land is 1,640 sq km (2012).

One of Sweden’s essential features: Strategic location along the Danish Straits linking the Baltic and North Seas. Sweden has almost 100,000 lakes, the largest of which, Vanern, is the third-largest in Europe.

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Switzerland Google Maps


Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for Switzerland (CH). Explore satellite imagery of Bern, the capital city of Switzerland, on the Google Maps of Europe below.

Switzerland (GPS: 47 00 N, 8 00 E) located in Central Europe, east of France, north of Italy. The country’s area measurements are total: 41,277 sq km; land: 39,997 sq km, water: 1,280 sq km. This sovereign state is slightly less than twice the size of New Jersey. The total irrigated land is 630 sq km (2012).

One of the essential features of Switzerland: Landlocked (enclosed or nearly enclosed by land). Crossroads of northern and southern Europe. Along with southeastern France, north of Italy and southwestern Austria have the highest elevations in the Alps.

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Ukraine Google Maps


Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for Ukraine (UA). Explore satellite imagery of Kyiv, the capital city of Ukraine, on the Google Maps of Europe below.

Ukraine (GPS: 49 00 N, 32 00 E) located in Eastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea, between Poland, Romania, and Moldova in the west and Russia in the east. The country’s area measurements are total: 603,550 sq km; land: 579,330 sq km, water: 24,220 sq km. This sovereign state is almost four times the size of Georgia, slightly smaller than Texas. The total irrigated land is 21,670 sq km (2012).

One of the critical features of Ukraine: Strategic position at the crossroads between Europe and Asia. The second-largest country in Europe after Russia.

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United Kingdom Google Maps

United Kingdom

Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for the United Kingdom (UK). Explore satellite imagery of London, the capital city of the United Kingdom, on the Google Maps of Europe below.

United Kingdom (GPS: 54 00 N, 2 00 W) located in Western Europe, islands – including the northern one-sixth of the island of Ireland – between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea; northwest of France. The country’s area measurements are total: 243,610 sq km; land: 241,930 sq km, water: 1,680 sq km. This sovereign state is twice the size of Pennsylvania, slightly smaller than Oregon. The total irrigated land is 950 sq km (2012).

One of the essential features of the United Kingdom: Lies near vital North Atlantic sea lanes. Only 35 km from France and linked by tunnel under the English Channel (the Channel Tunnel or Chunnel). Because of the heavily indented coastline, no location is more than 125 km from tidal waters.

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Vatican City Google Maps

Vatican City

Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for Vatican City (VT). Explore satellite imagery of Vatican City, the capital city of Vatican City, on the Google Maps of Europe below.

Vatican City (GPS: 41 54 N, 12 27 E) is located in Southern Europe, an enclave of Rome (Italy). The country’s area measurements are total: 0.44 sq km; land: 0.44 sq km, water: 0 sq km. This sovereign state is about 0.7 times the size of the National Mall in Washington, DC. The total irrigated land is N/A.

One of the essential features of Vatican City: Landlocked – enclosed or nearly enclosed by land. An enclave in Rome, Italy. World’s smallest state. Beyond the territorial boundary of Vatican City, the Lateran Treaty of 1929 grants the Holy See extraterritorial authority over 23 sites in Rome and five outside Rome, including the Pontifical Palace at Castel Gandolfo (the Pope’s summer residence).

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